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Motor Vehicle Accident vs. Tree on Griffin Rd 12/5/2020

Saturday, December 5th just after 8
Area of 360 Griffin Road
SWFD, South Windsor Police Department and Ambulance Service of Manchester on scene of one car motor vehicle crash - car vs tree. No extrication required, at least two occupants transported to area hospitals due to their injuries.
Griffin Road is blocked for Police Investigation between the Top Stone Golf course and Brookfield Street.

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Fire Nutmeg Rd 12/2/2020

Quick response minimized damage.
At 13:45 hours (1:45pm) the SWFD was dispatched to 8 Nutmeg Road South for a possible structure fire- smoke from large vacant building.
Quick response with 4 Engines, 1 Ladder/Aerial Truck, and Car 19 as Incident Commander with 15 Firefighters found a smoldering fire in roof material after recent work was done. The roof/area was opened up and fire extinguished. No extension inside the building. Cause is under investigation by the South Windsor Fire Marshal's Office.
Photo Credit: Patrick Dooley Squad Fire Photos.

MVA on Ellington Rd with PhonePole 10/26/2020

Monday, October 26th just before 6 am
SWFD, South Windsor Police Department, and Ambulance Service of Manchester responded to a single-vehicle accident vs. telephone pole. Ellington Road (Rt 30) at School House Road.  Non-life threatening injury.  Roadway remains open.

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MVA at 7/11/2020 Store

Wednesday Oct 14, 2020 just before 3:00pm
SWFD, South Windsor Police Department, SW Building Dept., SW Health Dept., and Ambulance Service of Manchester on scene of a one car motor vehicle accident into a building - 7-11 Store, 700 Ellington Road @ Pleasant Valley Road.
No injuries. Store will remain closed till repaired.




Machine Fire 10/08/2020

Thursday, October 8, 2020 at 2:00 PM

31 Edwin Road, Keystone Paper and Box Company - SWFD responded to a reported machine fire inside the building. Upon arrival of the Incident Commander, a “working fire” was declared. Engine 6 and Tower 1 crews made an aggressive interior attack with heavy fire conditions in and around a very large machine. Due to the need for additional apparatus and manpower, a second alarm was transmitted.

The fire was declared under control within the hour with no injuries to employees or FD members.

The SWFD greatly appreciates the on-scene support from Manchester Fire Rescue EMS, Manchester Fire Department 8th District, East Hartford Fire Department, Broad Brook Fire Department, Ambulance Service of Manchester, and South Windsor Police Department.

Town coverage (and response to several alarms) was provided and very much appreciated by The Ellington Volunteer Fire Department (CT), the Windsor Fire Department, and Warehouse Point Fire Department.

The fire is under investigation by the South Windsor Fire Marshal's Office.

As always, an outstanding job by our 9-1-1 Dispatch Center.

Photo credit: Jim Jim Peruta.

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Contact Us

patch transSouth Windsor Volunteer Fire Department

1175 Ellington Road
South Windsor, CT 06074


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Dispatch: 453.2375

Fire Ground: 458.3875

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