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Vehicle Fire 11/18/2023


Saturday, November 18, 2023 just after 2pm.
SWFD responded to a vehicle fire in the parking lot of Target, 125 Buckland Hills Drive. The Driver parked the car in an open area of the lot with no exposures of other vehicles. All occupants exited the vehicle with no injuries.
Crews from Squad 2 and Engine 6 handled extinguishment and were supported by FP 9 handling traffic control along with the South Windsor Police Department.
The South Windsor Fire Marshal's Office has been notified.

Rescue Car Vs Pole 11/14/2023


Tuesday , November 14, 2023 at 5:00pm
Rt 5 (John Fitch Blvd) & Governors Highway. SWFD, South Windsor Police Department, and Ambulance Service of Manchester operating a motor vehicle crash. Car vs mid-sized dump truck towing a small trailer.
Non-life threatening injury. Traffic is detoured and restricted as crews opening travel lanes.

Shed Fire 11/4/2023


Saturday, Nov. 4th at 11:40 AM.
SWFD on scene of a shed fire to the rear of a home on Overlook Drive. No exposures nor injuries.
South Windsor Fire Marshal's Office is investigating the origin and cause.

Rescue Motor Vehicle Accident 10/25/2023


October 25
SWFD, Ambulance Service of Manchester, and South Windsor Police Department operating at a motor vehicle crash on Rt 5 (n/b) between Governors highway and Strong Road.
Rt 5 is closed n/b at Governors Highway whiles crews operate in roadway.
No further information on the accident.

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Contact Us

patch transSouth Windsor Volunteer Fire Department

1175 Ellington Road
South Windsor, CT 06074


Our Radio Frequencies

Dispatch: 453.2375

Fire Ground: 458.3875

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