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Shed Fire 11/4/2023


Saturday, Nov. 4th at 11:40 AM.
SWFD on scene of a shed fire to the rear of a home on Overlook Drive. No exposures nor injuries.
South Windsor Fire Marshal's Office is investigating the origin and cause.

Rescue Motor Vehicle Accident 10/25/2023


October 25
SWFD, Ambulance Service of Manchester, and South Windsor Police Department operating at a motor vehicle crash on Rt 5 (n/b) between Governors highway and Strong Road.
Rt 5 is closed n/b at Governors Highway whiles crews operate in roadway.
No further information on the accident.

Rescue MVA Rollover on 3/24/2023

SWFD, South Windsor Police Department and Ambulance Service of Manchester are out with a two-car accident in the area of Sullivan Avenue and Route 5. One vehicle rolled over. Occupants sustained minor injuries but there was no entrapment. Route 5 southbound will be closed in the area for a short time.

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Rescue20230324MVA Rt5SullivanRollover1

Fire at All American Waste on 3/10/2023

Friday, March 10, 2023 @ 10:05 PM
SWFD is operating at a large trash fire at All American Waste on Nutmeg Road North. There is no extension to the building. Squad 2, Engine 3, and Rescue 5 are working on overhauling and extinguishing hot spots.Fire20230310FireAllAmericanWaste1



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Contact Us

patch transSouth Windsor Volunteer Fire Department

1175 Ellington Road
South Windsor, CT 06074


Our Radio Frequencies

Dispatch: 453.2375

Fire Ground: 458.3875

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