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Explorer Training:  SCBA on 10/20/2022

A common task performed by our Fire Explorers on the scene of a fire is changing SCBA bottles for firefighters. This is an important task that must be done efficiently and properly in order for the firefighter to be ready to safely re-enter a hazardous environment in a timely fashion. In training, explorers are first tasked with doing this barehanded, with full visibility and work their way up to completing a bottle change with no visibility and gloved hands.
Be sure to stop by our open house this Sunday at Station 3 (232 West Road) to learn more about this task as well as others we are required to perform as well as see and have the opportunity to panticipate in live demonstrations.



Explorers: Tower Training on 6/27/2022

This evening, members of Company 5 / Explorer Post 838 learned about truck company operations. Members were provided an overview of Tower 1, the equipment it carries and aerial operations. Now that summer is here, Explorers meet every other week to allow them to enjoy their summer and everything that it brings. Thank you to the firefighters who assisted this evening.

If you’re between the ages of 14 and 18 and have an interest in firefighting, click the Explorers page for more information.


October EXPLORER Training on Vehicle Extrications

Explorer Post Drill - Monday 10/26
The SWFD Explorers train weekly, just like the rest of the department, and spent their Monday evening getting a hands-on lesson in basic vehicle extrication.
The Explorer Post (Company 5) is a group comprised of dedicated 14-17 year olds who aspire to join the ranks of the fire service. They train on the majority of the same topics the rest of the Department does, with some limitations. The Explorers are also allowed to attend calls with the rest of the Department, depending on the type of call.










Explorer Post 838 Celebrates 50th Anniversary in 2019

50 years of a Fire Exploring program generates a lot of amazing people. Nearly 100 past and current Explorers, Officers, and Advisors gathered today to share stories, see old friends, make new friends, and celebrate a great program.

Having great leaders/mentors such as Jack Bond, George Cox, Phil Crombie, Jr., and many others attend means the world to those of us that you have influenced over the years - THANK YOU!

Thanks to the Explorer Leadership for all their efforts in putting this event together!
- Scott Fine, Thomas Bengston, Tia Cortese, Keith Reynolds, Robin Packi Pendleton, and the Explorer Officers.

ExplorerPost50YearsCoin2  ExplorerPost50YearsCoin1

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Contact Us

patch transSouth Windsor Volunteer Fire Department

1175 Ellington Road
South Windsor, CT 06074


Our Radio Frequencies

Dispatch: 453.2375

Fire Ground: 458.3875

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