As social distancing protocols remain in place, we continue to break down all our training into company-level drills, versus department-wide. Normally, this training style is incorporated heavily in our drill schedule regardless, but the members have received quite a bit of it over the last few months.
While you’ve seen our Rescue Squad focus on advanced vehicle extrication and stabilization, it’s still vital for the the department as a whole to be proficient in rescue work. Several different scenarios were presented, all very possible in the real-world: victim trapped under a concrete pipe; victim trapped under a stone slab; victim trapped under a fallen tree; and a victim trapped in a vehicle under a fallen tree. With construction ramping up in the Buckland Road/Evergreen area, and the recent tropical storm bringing down hundreds of trees, these drills highlight difficult, high-risk-low-frequency events that we could run across any day.
In South Windsor, we are lucky to have most neighborhoods/areas well-hydranted. With that said, there are still several areas in town where using a hydrant as a water supply would not be geographically possible. Should we respond to a fire in those areas, we still need to be ready to provide fire suppression without hydrant access. One of our mutual aid partners, Broad Brook Fire Department, was kind enough to lend us their portable drafting tank. Companies practiced not only pulling water from the tank and pumping it, but also refilling the tank on the fly.
Captain’s Drill:
Every few months, the Training Division will pass along the responsibility of company-level training to the Company Officers. The house Captains and Lieutenants often know better exactly where extra training may be needed, and it’s a great opportunity for them to work together to bolster their skills. The companies covered hydraulics (water flow/pressures/pumping water to other apparatus), hose stretching and training with a new size hose line (2” hose as opposed to the standard 1 3/4” or 2 1/2”), and other new equipment familiarization.
September brings back some full-department drills, as well as a full-scale structural drill to put training/tactics to test. Stay tuned on our page for info on those drills.