FOR ALL EMERGENCIES: DIAL 911 or TEXT 911     NON-EMERGENCY: 860-644-2441      ADMINISTRATIVE: 860-644-8547      MEMBERS: LOG IN

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Firefighters' Gear Inspection and Repair

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) guidelines state that a firefighters gear will provide maximum safety for a period of 10 years and that it should be inspected annually. Each year, the SWFD partners with an outside vendor to have each set of gear inspected and any necessary alterations made. This includes fixing any frequent wear items such as knee pads and ultimately allows the set of gear to reach its maximum lifespan, keeping your South Windsor Firefighters safe. @firefightersequipofny.



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Contact Us

patch transSouth Windsor Volunteer Fire Department

1175 Ellington Road
South Windsor, CT 06074


Our Radio Frequencies

Dispatch: 453.2375

Fire Ground: 458.3875

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