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Explorer Promotions on 1/25/2022

Explorer20220125PromotionsWhen a South Windsor Firefighter decides to seek the opportunity to become an officer, they go through a promotional process that includes a written exam and an oral board. Similar to their adult counterparts, South Windsor Fire Explorers follow the same process.
Last night, Company 5 / Explorer Post 838 promoted Lynn S. to the position of Captain and Amanda B. To the position of Lieutenant.

A few interesting facts:

  • This is the first time in Explorer Post history that there has been 2 female officers
  • Amanda is a 3rd generation member of the SWFD as her father and grandfather have both served and since retired. And on the other side of her family, her grandfather served the Wethersfield Fire Department, and unfortunately was lost in the line of duty.
  • Lynn also comes from a firefighting family. Her grandfather is a retired Deputy Chief from the East Hartford Fire Department and her uncle is a former member of the SWFD.

Congratulations, ladies.

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patch transSouth Windsor Volunteer Fire Department

1175 Ellington Road
South Windsor, CT 06074


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Dispatch: 453.2375

Fire Ground: 458.3875

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